The role of Museums at Transfering Social Heritage An Evaluation on the Museums of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality

Hüseyin ATEŞ*  İsmail Hakkı ÜZÜM


Modern museums not only protects, stores and exhibits the artworks but also explains them to its visitors through using effective communication methods. For this reason, museums have important roles at contributing to the cultural development of the public, transfering the marks of the past to the future, accumulating intellectual knowledge and researching, promoting the artworks. Gaziantep metropolitan municipality aims to contribute the accumulation of knowledge and development of individuals and society without profit making purpose in accordance with the modern museums approach.It also adopts the purpose of protecting and transfering the rich cultural heritage , historical roots, the city identity and social heritage of Gaziantep. Since our municipality accepts the museums as nonformal training centers , we continuously arrange training programmes ,especially targeting the students, at our ten museums having different themes and collections. Gaziantep metropolitan municipality cares about the historical value of the venue of the museums and minds the relationship between the venue and collection of the museum to enable cultural sustainaility Additionally, environmental conditions are also taken into consideration. Besides the newly established museums take into consideration the architecture and land of the museum in order to create cohereness of perception. This study evaluates the museums of Gaziantep metropolitan municipality and their contribution to contemporary museology model.


Gaziantep metropolitan municipality,  modern museum,  social heritage,  education,  identity


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