Sericulture Center of the Caucasus – Sheki,Azerbaijan

Nazrın ALIZADE* 


The Great Silk Road laid the foundation a spectacular culture of thousands of years that has influenced the entire world. Even though the beginning of the story started in 2000 BC, it later brought about formation of a micro universe by adding thousands of lands, cultures and countries to its own vortex. Silk has been one of the products which were blessed as the goddess of production in China that pioneered the silk industry for 3000 years. One of the busiest main roads of the Great Silk Road was passing through Azerbaijan starting from II BC. The city of Sheki that was located in the northwest of the Caucasus had become an international center for silk production by the XVIII century. İn consideration of all of these informations the aim of this article discuss Sheki in Azerbaijan which is the sericulture center of Caucasus.


Azerbaijan,  Caravanserai,  Caucasus,  The Great Silk Road,  Sericulture,  Sheki,  Silk


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